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22 sub categories
: Postcards, Stamps, Cigarette Cards in Metalware, Collectors Items, Ephemera, Fabrics, Toys, Curios etc
description ( and estimated value in GBP )
A stock book of Commonwealth mint and mounted stamps George VI to Queen Elizabeth - Ascension, Australia, British Virgin Islands, New Zealand, Barbados, etc
A green Improved stamp album of used world stamps - GB, Germany, Czechoslovakia, China, Canada, stock book of GB mint and used stamps Victoria and Elizabeth II, red stock book of used GB stamps Edward VII to Elizabeth II, a Standard album of World stamps - GB, Korea, Italy, Hungary and a stock book of George VI and later post marks
Six scrap albums containing used world stamps - Brazil, Chilli, Belgium, Germany, GB (including penny black and penny reds), Commonwealth, Philipines, China and France
A blue Standard stamp album of used world stamps including GB, France, German Empire, a green ditto - British India, Ceylon, Russia, Italy, Holland, German Empire, a red Concord album of mint and used Australian stamps George V to QEII
A ring bound album of George V and later Commonwealth stamps - British Honduras, British East Africa, Australia and 5 other ring bound albums of Commonwealth stamps - Rhodesia, New Zealand, Malawi, Swaziland, South Africa, Gibraltar, Canada, Victoria to Elizabeth II, together with various unbound pages of used Commonwealth stamps
An album of mint and used GB, Australian and Canadian stamps, a red Nelson album of mint and used world stamps including GB, a Popular album of used world stamps - France etc and 9 stock books of mint and used world stamps
Thirty five albums of cigarette cards including Ardeath, Wills, Carreras, Churchman, Godfrey Phillips, all unstuck, 15 Players all stuck in, 4 Wills stuck in, 15 empty Wills albums, 4 empty Senior Service albums
A red ring bound album of tea and trade cards including W H Wills, Kelloggs, Horniman Tea, Lyons Tea, etc cigarette cards and 3 blue ring bound albums of trade cards, a Brooke Bond Ideal album, PG Tips etc
A green ring bound album of black and white postcards including 6 1930's race horses, Chinese buildings, buses (possibly reproduction) together with 2 ring bound albums of coloured postcards