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: Cameras, Projectors in Metalware, Collectors Items, Ephemera, Fabrics, Toys, Curios etc
description ( and estimated value in GBP )
A Zeiss Ikon Nettar 510/42 folding camera 120 roll film 1936, serial no.4150652 together with a fitted leather case together an Eastman Kodak folding 1A pocket camera with a leather case
A set of 8 Primus Junior Lecturer Series magic lantern slides "The Elephants Revenge" no.508 and 1 other set of 8 "The Queen of Hearts" no. 520, both boxed
A Rowsell's Patent Graphoscope and Stereoscope in a mahogany case, marked Rowsell's Pat. together with 99 Underwood and Underwood slides of Egypt in faux twin volume case, 3 Keystone View Company slides, 2 Realistic Travel slides, 2 FJ Jarvis slides and 35 other unnamed slides