A Victorian bleached oak buffet, the raised back with bobbin turned decoration, the base fitted 3 cupboards enclosed by Gothic style panelled doors, 60" £100-150
A 19th Century French walnutwood commode with black veined marble top, fitted 3 short and 3 long drawers, with fluted column decoration to the sides, 50" £800-1000
A Victorian bleached mahogany wash stand with white veined marble splash back (slight damage) fitted 2 drawers and raised on turned supports 42" £70-100
A 19th Century Dutch cushion shaped marquetry work box, the lid inset a rectangular pin cushion, the base fitted a drawer 13" (some inlay missing) £30-50
A good quality carved oak Jacobean style court cupboard, the upper section fitted a double cupboard enclosed by doors, the base fitted 1 long and 2 short drawers above double cupboard 50" £300-500
A handsome 19th Century French inlaid Kingwood and crossbanded escritoire with veined marble top, the interior fitted pigeon holes and 6 walnut fronted drawers, the fall front inlaid a lyre and other musical trophies and books, the base fitted a double cupboard enclose by panelled doors inlaid floral decoration, raised on square tapering supports ending in brass caps, 47" £1800-2500
A 19th Century French white painted and gilt banded rectangular revolving folio stand with double cane panels, raised on a triangular base 24" £900-1200
A handsome 19th/20th Century French Kingwood commode of bome form, with pink veined marble top, inlaid throughout and fitted 3 long drawers, raised on cabriole supports, 51" £600-800
A handsome Georgian pine corner cupboard with moulded and dentil cornice, fitted 3 shelves, the base fitted a double cupboard, raised on a platform base 61" £2000-2500