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Catalogue for our Antique, Fine Art and Collectables auction held on Wednesday 15th of November 2006

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description ( and estimated value in GBP )
  • A 9ct gold cased double sided seal set bloodstone and Cornelian


A 9ct gold cased double sided seal set bloodstone and Cornelian £40-60

  • A 9ct gold curb link watch chain 14"


A 9ct gold curb link watch chain 14" £40-60


A 14ct gold bar brooch together with a 22ct gold wedding band £25-30

  • A gilt metal curb link Albert watch chain 15"


A gilt metal curb link Albert watch chain 15" £20-40

  • A lady's Veity gold cased wristwatch on a gold plated bracelet


A lady's Veity gold cased wristwatch on a gold plated bracelet £5-10

  • A Victorian 1900 half sovereign mounted as a pendant hung on a fine gold chain


A Victorian 1900 half sovereign mounted as a pendant hung on a fine gold chain £50-75

  • A gentleman's steel and gold plated wristwatch, the dial set numerous diamonds by Baume & Mercier of Geneva


A gentleman's steel and gold plated wristwatch, the dial set numerous diamonds by Baume & Mercier of Geneva £800-1000

  • A gold pendant set a cabouchon cut green hardstone hung on a gold chain


A gold pendant set a cabouchon cut green hardstone hung on a gold chain £10-20

  • A Continental hardwood walking stick with embossed silver handle


A Continental hardwood walking stick with embossed silver handle £60-80

  • A set of 6 Art Deco tea knives with "ivory" handles


A set of 6 Art Deco tea knives with "ivory" handles £5-10

  • A set of 6 silver coffee spoons Birmingham 1936, cased


A set of 6 silver coffee spoons Birmingham 1936, cased £10-20

  • A twin handled silver plated entree dish and cover


A twin handled silver plated entree dish and cover £5-10

  • A silver plated State Express cigarette box with hinged lid 6 1/2"


A silver plated State Express cigarette box with hinged lid 6 1/2" £5-10

  • A rectangular olive wood card box the lid decorated enamel and cards 5"


A rectangular olive wood card box the lid decorated enamel and cards 5" £10-20

  • A turned ivory napkin ring and a turned ivory salt and pepper pot


A turned ivory napkin ring and a turned ivory salt and pepper pot £20-30

  • A circular silver easel photograph frame, Birmingham 1912, 4"


A circular silver easel photograph frame, Birmingham 1912, 4" £20-30

  • A Britannia metal 3 piece tea service of oval reeded form with teapot, twin handled sugar bowl and cream jug


A Britannia metal 3 piece tea service of oval reeded form with teapot, twin handled sugar bowl and cream jug £5-10

  • An Art Deco silver cigarette case with engine turned decoration, London 1928, 2 ozs


An Art Deco silver cigarette case with engine turned decoration, London 1928, 2 ozs £30-40

  • A 1930's circular tortoiseshell compact 3"


A 1930's circular tortoiseshell compact 3" £15-20

  • A lady's 1930's rectangular tortoiseshell necessaire fitted 2 rouge pots, manicure implements etc, 3"


A lady's 1930's rectangular tortoiseshell necessaire fitted 2 rouge pots, manicure implements etc, 3" £35-45

  • A Victorian pierced ivory fan 6"


A Victorian pierced ivory fan 6" £70-80

  • A 19th Century Japanese 2 colour gilt metal box decorated cockerel with hinged lid, 2 1/2"


A 19th Century Japanese 2 colour gilt metal box decorated cockerel with hinged lid, 2 1/2" £35-45

  • A trinket box formed from an Abalone shell


A trinket box formed from an Abalone shell £30-40

  • A tortoiseshell model of a mandolin 5" and a do. guitar 4"


A tortoiseshell model of a mandolin 5" and a do. guitar 4" £70-90

  • A circular silver gilt rouge pot, London 1970 1 1/2"


A circular silver gilt rouge pot, London 1970 1 1/2" £20-30