2 red Grafton albums of used World stamps - Argentina, Austria, Bavaria, Belgium, Congo, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Monaco, Netherlands, Russian, Spain, Sweden, etc
An album of various GB and colonial stamps, Victoria and later including Penny Black, 4 Penny reds and an album of Canadian stamps, Victoria - George V, a Stanley Gibbons George VI Coronation album of colonial stamps
An album of various min and used world stamps inc Austria, Belgium, Canada, Ceylon etc, an album of various mint and used GB stamps, Victorian- Elizabeth II, a Universal album of various used world stamps, a book of various mint and used GB stamps and a collection of first day covers
An album containing various mint and used GB stamps, Victoria - Elizabeth II, also including Jamaica, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, New Zealand, Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago, the Virgin Islands together with one other album Aden, Bahamas, Barbados, British Guyana, British Honduras, Ceylon, Malta & Golden Coast
An album of mint Queen Elizabeth II Jersey stamps, an album of British Antarctic Territory stamps, a red album of various British mint and used Colonial stamps, Hong Kong, Gibraltar, Gambia, Fiji, Cyprus and a green album of various American and other used and new stamps
A stock book of various mint and used Soviet Russian stamps 1960-1976, an album of various mint and used world stamps inc Portugal, Singapore and Hong Kong, an album of various Liberian mint and used stamps and a stock book of various Malaysian used stamps
A stock book of various Victorian Penny Reds, a green Windsor album of GB stamps including Penny reds, Victoria - Elizabeth II, an album of various Edward VIII, George VI and later GB stamps in blocks and a stock book of various GB stamps Victoria and later
A stock book of various used GB stamps, George VI - Elizabeth II, a book of various Colonial and world stamps from Elizabeth II and a book of various world stamps, a 1903 Indian postal guide, a Stanley Gibbons catalogue Vol I, 16th edition and a collection of various penny reds (unmounted)