Star Wars by Palitoy, an Imperial Commander action figure on 45 back Empire Strikes Back punched card ESB 45B ( Hong Kong 1982 promotional bounty hunter edition )
Star Wars by Palitoy, a miscarded Tie Fighter Pilot action figure on tri-logo Dengar 70 back Return of the Jedi punched card ROTJ 70B ( Hong Kong 1983 )
Star Wars by Palitoy, a Dengar Dutch Clipper action figure on 45 back Empire Strikes Back punched card ESB 45B ( Hong Kong 1983 promotional UK Nien Nunb edition )
Star Wars by Palitoy, an Artoo-Detoo ( R2-D2 ) ( with Sensorscope ) action figure on tri logo 70 back Return of the Jedi unpunched card ROTJ 70B ( Hong Kong 1983 )
Star Wars by Palitoy, a Princess Leia Organa ( Bespin Gown ) action figure on tri logo 70 back Return of the Jedi unpunched card ROTJ 70B ( Hong Kong 1983 )
Star Wars, a collection of 3 boxed mini rigs to include Palitoy vehicle maintenance energiser in Return of The Jedi box, tripod laser cannon by Kenner in Return of The Jedi box and a radar laser cannon by Kenner Return of The Jedi box
Star Wars by Kenner, a Vehicle Maintenance Energiser mini rig in Return of The Jedi box, unused and all contents in packages, decals unused, spanners unbroken from plastic stem