Victorian wool work sampler with alphabet and numbers, cats, anchors and hearts by Sarah Errington aged 9 years, Colliery School, Easington Lane, Jefferson School Master, dated 1887 42cm x 32cm
A Victorian wool work sampler with alphabets and numbers, dogs, anchors, crosses and hearts by Sarah Errington aged 10 years, Colliery School, Easington Lane 39cm x 39cm
An 18th Century sampler with alphabets, numbers, biblical verse with flowers, strawberries and fan shaped symbols by Mary Patrick "Ended this work March 1757" 30cm x 20cm
Four Victorian stitch work samplers, all unframed with alphabet, numbers, etc by Florance Diamond, aged 9 1893 39cm x 28cm, 1 other by Jane Eliza Lee Aged 8 1891 with letters, numbers and bowl of fruit, 1 other with alphabet and Lords Prayer 25cm x 27cm and 1 other with alphabet by Isabella Idida 21cm x 19cm