A Victorian mahogany Duchess dressing table with oval bevelled plate mirror, the base fitted 2 glove drawers and 1 short drawer with undertier, raised on turned supports 65"h x 42"w x 22"d
An 18th Century oak drop flap gateleg dining table, fitted a frieze drawer and raised on bobbin turned supports 28"h x 28"w x 18" when closed x 43 1/2"l when open
A 17th Century style oak oval drop flap dining/tea table, raised on turned and block supports with box framed stretcher 30"h x 36"w x 17 1/2" x 41" when extended
A rectangular Chippendale style mahogany bijouterie table with undertier, raised on square tapered supports with blind fret work decoration 30"h x 22" x 15 1/2"
A Georgian style oval mahogany pedestal extending dining table raised on gun barrel and tripod supports, brass caps and castors 28 1/2"h x 42"w x 54" extending to 72"
An Edwardian inlaid mahogany 2 tier Sutherland table raised on turned supports 24"h x 23"w x (upper flap) 5" x 14" when open x (lower flap) 6" x 31" (when open)
A Liberty's Art Nouveau oak drop flap spiders leg tea table, the top formed of 3 planks with pierced panels to the end 28"h x 30"w x 13 1/2" x 34" with flaps up, the base is signed Liberty
A Victorian mahogany breakfront dressing table/desk fitted 1 long drawer flanked by a pair of cupboards enclosed by panelled doors, raised on a platform base 29"h x 48"w x 22 1/2"w
Heales & Sons, an Edwardian inlaid mahogany writing table with raised superstructure to the back fitted drawers, having a green inset writing surface above 2 long drawers, raised on square tapering supports brass caps and castors 34"h x 42"w x 21 1/2"d