A late 19th Century Sevres turquoise vase with gilt decoration and painted portrait of Marie Antoinette, the reverse with a panel of spring flowers 23cm
Istvan Komaromy, a glass lamp work figure of a deer with mottle green green decoration standing on a black onyx square base with original torn label 22cm
A Royal Crown Derby paperweight in the form of a bird with a gold stopper LIV 6cm, ditto duck gold stopper MMV 9cm and a chicken with gold stopper LIII 7cm
A Royal Crown Derby paperweight in the form of a seated bear with gold stopper LXI 12cm, ditto bear drummer with gold stopper LXII and a school girl teddy bear with gold stopper MMIII 10cm
A Royal Crown Derby limited edition paperweight of a Coy Carp with gold stopper, no.126 of 2500, MMVII 11cm, ditto Indian Star Tortoise with gold stopper MMV 6cm and 1 other tortoise with silver stopper LVI 6cm