An Edwardian inlaid mahogany bow front writing table with green inset writing surface, fitted 1 long and 6 short drawers with brass swan neck drop handles 77cm h x 138cm w x 66cm d
An Aesthetic movement quarter veneered and crossbanded walnut 2 tier card table, raised on turned supports with X framed stretcher 78cm h x 65cm w x 45cm d
An Edwardian Chippendale style oval extending dining table raised on cabriole, ball and claw supports, complete with winder and 2 extra leaves, 76cm h x 120cm w x 145cm when closed x 240cm l when extended
A 20th Century Chinese style black and gilt lacquered Carlton House desk with inlaid mother of pearl figures of standing geishas, the upper section fitted a bank of 6 short drawers flanked by a pair of shaped cupboards, the base fitted 2 short drawers above 3 long drawers, raised on turned supports 100cm h x 118cm w x 67cm d together with a matching arch shaped chair 98cm h x 43cm w x 43cm d (seat 29cm x 30cm)
A Victorian carved oak oval drop flap gateleg tea table fitted a frieze drawer, raised on turned and block supports 73cm h x 76cm w x 25cm when closed x 92cm when open
A Victorian mahogany writing table with inset writing surface, fitted 2 drawers with tore handles, raised on turned and reeded supports, ceramic casters, 75cm h x 92cm w x 52cm d
An Edwardian Art Nouveau mahogany writing table fitted a 3/4 gallery with inset writing surface fitted 2 drawers, raised on turned supports 72cm h x 104cm w x 49cm d
A 19th Century mahogany pedestal Pembroke table fitted a drawer raised on a turned column and triform base with splayed feet, brass caps and casters 74cm h x 97cm w x 57cm when closed x 112cm when open
A Victorian figured walnut and crossbanded work table of serpentine outline with fitted interior, the base fitted a drawer and raised on cabriole supports 70cm h x 51cm w x 35cm d
A Victorian light oak extending dining table raised on turned and reeded supports with one extra leaf and winder. 76cm h x 108cm w x 123cm l. (when leaf in 152cm l)
A Georgian mahogany demi-lune drop flap tea table with inlaid satinwood stringing, raised on square tapered supports 70cm h x 104cm w x 44cm when closed x 82cm when open (possibly made up)