A pair of 17th Century style oak joint stools with rectangular moulded tops, plain friezes on turned under frames united by stretchers 20.5"h x 18"w x 11"d
A pair of 19th Century Persian carved hardwood X framed chairs, the backs inlaid with mother of pearl and decorated with carved cursive script, raised on folding bases
A Regency style mahogany sofa table, boxwood line inlaid, fitted 2 short drawers raised on splayed legs united by a turned stretcher, brass claw caps and casters 26.5"h x 55.5"w x 23.5"
A Victorian walnut low seat nursing chair, having dark green buttoned dralon upholstery, raised on floral carved cabriole legs, scroll feet and casters
A set of 4 1920's mahogany dining chairs in the Chippendale style with pierced vase splats, drop in seats, raised on scroll carved cabriole legs, claw and ball feet
A pair of unusual Queen Anne style oak elbow chairs, the vase splats relief carved with satire masks and scrolls above solid seats and shaped aprons, raised on cabriole legs pad feet
A set of 8 William IV mahogany dining chairs, 2 having arms with scroll carved spars above Trafalgar seats decorated flowers and song birds, raised on turned lapette carved tapered legs, peg feet
A set of of 6 William IV rosewood dining chairs with bell flower relief carved cresting rails, pierced spars, Trafalgar drop in seats on lappette carved legs
A George II style carved walnut and beech wood dressing stool in the Irish taste, having floral-cut upholstered seat, the frieze decorated a honeysuckle scrolled cartouche, raised on foliate carved cabriole legs, claw and ball feet 19"h x 34"w x 18"d
A 19th Century mahogany sofa table fitted 2 frieze drawers with opposing faux fronted drawers, raised on acanthus leaf carved supports and reeded swept legs united by turned stretchers 29"h x 60"w x 27"d
A 20th Century Continental wrought and tubular steel canape with transfer decorated roundels depicting religious scenes, fitted loose cushions, raised on casters
John Makepeace OBE, a set of 6 fruitwood leather bound dining chairs with concave seats, raised on square legs with ball feet, stamped John Makepeace Workshops, Norman Illingworth 1981,