Boker Solingen Germany a twin bladed folding pocket knife blade marked Treebrand 10cm with polished grip, a Vanadime folding pocket knife the polished grip marked Bear Creek 8cm, a Puma ditto blade marked Four Star Mini with horn grip 7cm
Saynor - two folding budding knives the 5cm blades marked W Saynor Ltd Sheffield Ltd England Depend with horn grips and 1 other Saynor folding knife with 5cm blade marked Depend and with horn grip
W M Hutchinson a folding knife and fork with crows foot mark to the blade, John Watts a folding knife and fork, W Mortot ditto, an unmarked folding knife, fork, spoon and tin opener, J B Holland a twin bladed folding knife with spike and corkscrew, together with a knife, fork and corkscrew the grip marked Zimmerman
Rogers Sheffield a folding knife with 5cm blade and horn grip, Ibberson a folding twin bladed knife with 5cm blade and stag horn grip (damage to end of grip), I Witness a twin bladed folding pocket knife with 5cm blade, Comanche Club a 3 bladed folding pocket knife with 7cm blade, Broker a twin bladed folding pocket knife with 4cm blade and stag horn handle and 3 other unmarked folding pocket knives all with stag horn handles
Two miniature pocket knives with 2cm blades, folding pocket knife with 2.5cm blade and mother of pearl grip, twin bladed pocket knife with 3cm blade, mother of pearl grip, pocket knife with 4cm blade and wooden grip, an Eastern folding pocket knife with polished grip marked Corse and an Easter dagger
William Rogers a twin bladed folding pocket knife with 3cm blades, a Butler twin bladed folding pocket knife with 3cm blades and mother of pearl grip, a twin bladed folding pocket knife the 4cm blade decorated 2 chickens and with mother of pearl grip, an unmarked twin bladed folding pocket knife with 6cm blades, mother of pearl grip, a M Eliott & Sons twin bladed folding pocket knife with 4cm blade and mother of pearl grip and 1 other with simulated mother of pearl grip
W H Morsley & Sons a 2 bladed folding pocket knife with file 6cm, I Elli & Sons a twin bladed folding pocket knife 7cm, Rodgers Cutlers a twin bladed folding pocket knife 6cm, William Rodgers twin bladed folding pocket knife 6cm, John Watts Sheffield a twin bladed folding pocket knife 6cm and an unmarked twin bladed folding pocket knife 6cm, all with mother of pearl grips
A Redolian Japanese 4 bladed smokers pocket knife with wooden grip, Lewis a twin bladed folding pocket knife with mother of pearl 6cm (grip damaged), Thackery Leeds a twin bladed folding scalpel 9cm, John Watts of Sheffield 2 folding knives - 1 with grip marked Ernest Bennett Saw Makers and 5 other folding knives
Aug Muller a 2 bladed folding pocket knife with nail file and polished stag horn grip 8cm, Panther JR a Japanese folding pocket knife with 7cm blade and polished grip, Mercator a folding pocket knife the grip marked K55K 11cm, MMEN folding pocket knife with polished wooden grip 7cm and 2 unmarked folding pocket knives
Four folding "budding" type knives the blades marked I.X.L George The Burbank, together with 2 marked The Curtis and 1 other the body marked Premier, all with horn butts
J Martlum Finland a skinning knife with 10cm blade marked M Cutting complete with leather scabbard (small nicks to the blade, an unmarked skinning knife with 12cm blade and leather scabbard and 1 other with a 9cm blade
Imperial Stainless an American twin bladed pocket knife with stripy grip 7cm, E K A Sweden a twin bladed pocket knife with decorative grip 5cm, Boker an American 3 bladed pocket knife with stag horn grip (blade slightly rusted) 6cm (grip damaged), Schrade an American singled plated pocket knife with simulated horn grip marked Old Timer and 1 other marked Fire Fighter Toothpick with polished wooden grip 7cm
Humphreys a twin bladed folding pocket knife with nail file 7cm and 4 twin handled pocket knives, 2 single bladed pocket knives all with mother of pearl handles and a multi bladed folding pocket knife with spike and simulated mother of pearl handle
Arnold & Sons London, a budding type knife with 4 cm blade, a Guinness advertising twin bladed knife complete with bottle opener 4cm, Thomas Turner & Co a twin bladed pocket knife the grip marked Barnardo Helpers League Founders Service award and 5 other pocket knives
C Julherbertz a 3 bladed pocket knife with corkscrew and stag horn grip 10cm and 3 French multi bladed pocket knives the blades marked ME with stag horn grips
J B & Son a double bladed folding pocket knife with corkscrew and pick and 4cm mother of pearl grip, 1 other double bladed with button hook, cork screw and spike, a Continental multi bladed knife with mother of pearl effect grip, a Laguiloe French folding single bladed knife with horn grip and a multi bladed knife with simulated horn grip
An Eye Witness twin bladed pocket knife with horn grip 7cm, a a Laguiloe French knife with horn grip, and a Coast American 3 bladed pocket knife with chequered grip
H C Fritz a 3 bladed pocket knife with horn grip 8cm, Camillus a 4 bladed pocket knife with horn grip 8cm, George Wostenholm a twin bladed pocket knife with horn grip 7cm, and 3 others Harris Brothers, Howson and Johnson (6)
Winchester a twin handled pocket knife the blade marked 2005 with polished horn grip 7cm, Schrade New York a twin bladed pocket knife blade marked 330T with grip marked Old Timer, Gerber Fiskars a multi tool pocket knife and 1 other with unmarked blade and green veined grip
Inox a twin bladed pocket knife the grip embossed a vintage car, Paul A Henckels Inox a novelty pocket knife in the for of a key marked Polar-Mohr Hofhein/TS, a folding pocket knife the blade marked Lamp Post Knife with wooden grip, Richards 2 pocket knives with gilt metal grips inset farthings and a pair of folding steel scissors
I.X.L Westenholm a twin bladed pocket knife with marble effect grip, Scotia a twin bladed pocket knife with tortoiseshell effect grip, an R Avi pocket knife with horn grip and 2 unmarked ditto