A set of 4 Thuringia porcelain figures of frog musicians comprising a base drummer, a flutist, a timpani drummer and violinist, raised on circular bases, impressed and printed marks
A pair of late 19th Century German figures of a shepherd and shepherdess, the shepherd beside a tree trunk, the shepherdess holding a bird cage on her shoulder 19cm
A Coalport figure - The Flower Seller from the Cries of London Collection number 1450/9500 22cm and a Royal Worcester figure Arabella no.42/10,000 23cm
A set of 6 Coalport figures, House of Hanover Empire style 1804-1814, House of York 1461-1485, House of Stuart 1603-1714, House of Hanover Victorian style 1937-1901, House of Tudor 1485-1603 and House of Plantagenet 1154-1399, all 25cm