An 18th Century oak hanging corner cabinet with moulded and dentil cornice, the interior fitted shelves enclosed by panelled doors, the base fitted 1 long and 2 dummy drawers 35" £60-90
An 18th/19th Century oak bow front hanging corner cabinet with moulded cornice, fitted adjustable shelves enclosed by a pair of panelled doors, 33" £150-200
A 19th Century inlaid French walnut escritoire/cocktail cabinet, fitted 1 long drawer with fall front, inlaid flowers, having gilt metal embellishments and raised on cabriole supports 38" £125-175
An Edwardian inlaid mahogany display cabinet with raised back, the interior fitted shelves enclosed by astragal glazed doors, raised on square tapering supports with undertier 36" £200-300
An Edwardian mahogany display cabinet of serpentine outline the interior fitted shelves enclosed by glazed panelled doors, raised on cabriole supports 41" £350-450