The Aston Martin register 1959, 1 volume Gerald Pollinger "Famous Aircraft of the World", H C Casserley "The Historic Locomotive Pocketbook", "Aircraft of World War One", 1 volume Louisa & Twamley "The Romance of Nature" 2nd edition
Richard Wagner "Rheingold and The Valkyrie 1910" together with 1 volume Richard Wagner "Siegfried And The Twilight of Gods" illustrated by Arthur Rackham
Beacons Maps and Guides for cyclists and tourists - Kent and Surrey, 3 1930's motoring and hiking maps, sections K, KK, J, a road map of Great Britain (f and sellotaped) together with a 1951 Festival of Britain Guide
A gray plastic folder containing a Concorde flight certificate dated 1990, a September 1990 edition of Highlife Magazine, a Concorde diary, brochure, guide to inflight entertainment, menu, letter head
Flowers, A Chemical Engineering Pocket Book 1915 and a 1954 edition of The Highway Code, various pamphlets relating to engineering, 15 beer mats "The Story of Beer" and a 1951 edition of The AA Members Handbook, together with various ephemera
A Second World War Royal Canadian silk panel decorated with crest, flag and maple leaves 16" x 16", a USNR Grosse Ile Mich silk and printed cloth 12" x 12", a Liberty of Service edition of The Gospel of St Mark, all contained in a envelope marked active service gift
A 19th Century 40 bladed steel jack knife with bodkin, gimble, pair of tweezers, corkscrew and hook, button hook and 2 blades, 1 marked Fulletby 44 Bord
A gilt metal figure of a snake 5 1/2", a Victorian leather purse, 1 volume "A Few Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1856", a diamond steel cut throat razor, a Wiltshire Solingen cut throat razor and 1 other (f)